Customer Relations Management

Focus on the organization’s relationships with individual people

including customers, service users, colleagues, or suppliers

An exceptionally unique experience tailored to you

Get Started

Easy To Use

Cloud-based software easy to use anywhere & at any time regardless of any device.

Simply Powerful

Powerful to control all your ongoing operations with your every individual customer.

Why not?

Building relations have never been easy this before with a more efficient way possible.

Track & Analyze

Generate data to learn from it & use it in growing the organization much more effectively.


Keep track of your customers easily. You can work without discontinuing by adding the contact to your customers. You can give priority to customers according to risk situations. You can record your notes about your customers on the customer page.
Schedule Call

Manage your LEADS

You can easily manage your leads. You can add leads by source & state, and you can convert them into customers after getting positive results


You can easily create invoices & enter invoicing items. Quickly organize your bills & invoicing items. You can share the bill with your customer. You can print your invoices if you want to print it.

Send Invoice by E-mail


You can create expenses quickly & easily, and you can track & organize your expenses. You can add & edit the expenses categories.


You can easily create proposals & you can share the proposal with your client, You can organize your proposals & you can add proposal item.


You can add projects & follow the project. You can assign a staff member to it. You can add milestone & tasks to your projects


You can track your accounts, payments by income your cash account or bank accounts. You can easily find our payments related to accounts. You can get a summary of your cash flow.


You can track the support requests from your customers create based on their statuses & priorities and you can respond to the support request created. You can assign staff to support the request.


You can add staff & authorize your staff. You can track the sales & support your staff


Keep track of your financial situation. keep track of your payments & expenses.

Voice Notifications

If voice notifications are active, Delta-i CRM speaks to you in your language

Customer Area

You can authorize access to the customer area by setting a password for your customer contacts.

Ready to get Delta-i CRM into your workflow?

Get 15 days free trial of the software.